It means that if the body is not in its correct position to swing this form of injury is much more likely to occur. Take one simple task – touching your toes – If you can’t touch your toes, you have a poor hip hinge, if you have poor hip hinge you are going to have poor swing biomechanics. It is that simple.
If you repeatedly over stretch or put excess pressure onto a ligament or spinal disc material for instance, it will start to deform and eventually start to develop micro tears. Now obviously flexibility is important in making a good golf swing. But just as essential and often forgotten is stability.
We are not talking specifically about balance when we mention stability. Rather, we are talking about your bones being in the correct position in the lumbar spine. Unless stability is dealt with, flexibility will always be an issue. If a joint is not in the correct position this means that you have instability. If you have instability in your spine, you will not only have a mechanical instability but also a neurological deficit. The brain does not like the spine to be unstable, and it will protect the spinal column at all costs. It protects it by attempting to stabilise it.
On the most basic level, this is how your body works: Every time you make a movement, the brain and motor system attempts to stabilise the spine by contracting the innermost core muscles.